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We want to know what you think about a wide range of proposals, reviews and decisions that affect you. Taking part in our consultations lets you have your say about the issues that matter to you.

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Open Consultations

Completed Consultations

Taxi Licensing Fee Consultation 2024 - closed 03/10/2024 Toggle accordion

The Licensing Team consulted on the Taxi fee review.

Pavement Policy review 2024 - closed 03/10/2024 Toggle accordion

The Licensing Team consulted on the Pavement Licensing Policy review.

Gambling Policy Draft 2025 to 2028 - closed 02/10/24 Toggle accordion

The Licensing team consulted on the draft Gambling Policy, including the continuation of the no casino resolution.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Survey 2024 - closed 30/09/24 Toggle accordion

St Albans City and District Council conducted a survey as part of its continuing commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion within the Council and community. This survey was designed to gather experience of equality, diversity, and inclusion and what could be improved.

Feedback will be used to shape the new Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Strategy for 2024-2029. The feedback gathered will directly influence the strategy and action plan, helping to create a more inclusive environment for everyone.

Air Quality Action Plan Consultation - closed 27/09/24 Toggle accordion

St Albans City and District Council asked for feedback on its draft Air Quality Action Plan.

The draft Air Quality Action Plan is part of the Council's duty to manage local air quality. This plan explains what that the Council will do over the next 5 years to address high NO2 and particulate matter (PM) levels in St Albans.

Residents were asked for view on the vision, draft policies, and overall priorities.

Lea Valley Line Greenspace Action Plan 2024-2029 - closed 23/08/24 Toggle accordion

The Countryside Management Service worked in partnership with St Albans City and District Council to draw up a new Greenspace Action Plan (GAP) for the Lee Valley Line to guide management of the site between 2024 and 2029.

Stakeholders and the local community were invited to comment to inform the first draft of the new green space action plan.

Alban Way Greenspace Action Plan 2024-2029 - closed 23/08/24 Toggle accordion

The Countryside Management Service worked in partnership with St Albans City and District Council to draw up a new Greenspace Action Plan (GAP) for the Alban Way to guide management of the site between 2024 and 2029.

Stakeholders and the local community were invited to comment to inform the first draft of the new green space action plan.

BT Payphone Removals Consultation - closed 15/07/2024 Toggle accordion

BT carried out a consultation exercise for the removal of 3 payphones in the district due to low use:


BT Payphone Removals
Site Notice

Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy Update 2024 - closed 24/06/2024 Toggle accordion

Residents and businesses were invited to give feedback on the refreshed Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy.

Community Safety Partnership Strategy Consultation 2024-29 - closed 31/03/24 Toggle accordion

St Albans Community Safety Partnership (CSP) which is a statutory group of agencies including the Council, Police, Fire Service and Police & Crime Commissioner that work together to tackle crime and disorder.

Each year the CSP consults with the public and local groups on its plans for the coming year. The survey asked for residents' views on whether the Partnership's priorities are correct and for ideas on how to tackle these.  It gave residents an opportunity to share views on crime and anti-social behaviour in the District and to highlight problems that need to be addressed. This survey results feed into the development of action plans for the CSP in the coming year. 

For more information about the CSP, visit the Crime and anti-social behaviour webpage.

St Peter's Street Trading Policy Consultation - closed 26/02/24 Toggle accordion

St Albans District Council consulted the six traders, who currently trade on St Peter’s Street, on non-traditional market days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and some Sundays).

Currently, this small number of traders operate under a 'street trading consent’ on non-traditional market days. The council are now considering a proposal to stop issuing any further street trading consents and the current street traders will be able to continue to trade, under the markets umbrella.  There will be no more than 10 traders on these market days. The council believes these changes create equity across all traders no matter which day they trade.

Verulamium Park Greenspace Action Plan 2024-2029 - closed 03/01/24 Toggle accordion

The Countryside Management Service is working in partnership with St Albans City and District Council to draw up a new greenspace action plan (GAP) for Verulamium Park, which will guide management of the site between 2024 and 2029.

Comments were sought from stakeholders and the local community to inform the first draft of the new GAP. 

Lea Valley Line Greenspace Action Plan 2024-2029 Briefing Document - closed 11/12/23 Toggle accordion

The Countryside Management Service is working in partnership with St Albans City and District Council to draw up a new Greenspace Action Plan (GAP) for the Lea Valley Line, which will guide management of the site between 2024 and 2029.

Stakeholders and the local community were invited to comment to inform the first draft of the new GAP.

Alban Way Greenspace Action Plan 2027-2029 - closed 26/11/23 Toggle accordion

The Countryside Management Service is working in partnership with St Albans City and District Council to draw up a new greenspace action plan (GAP) for the Alban Way, which will guide management of the site between 2024 and 2029.

We invited comments from stakeholders and the local community to inform the first draft of the new GAP.

Sopwell Nunnery Greenspace Action Plan 2023-2028 - closed 26/11/23 Toggle accordion

The Countryside Management Service is working in partnership with St Albans City and District Council to draw up a new greenspace action plan (GAP) for Sopwell Nunnery Open Space, which will guide management of the site between 2023 and 2028.

We invited comments from stakeholders and the local community on a draft version of the new GAP. 

Hatfield Road Cemetery Greenspace Action Plan 2023-2028 - closed 26/11/23 Toggle accordion

The Countryside Management Service is working in partnership with St Albans City and District Council to draw up a new greenspace action plan (GAP) for Hatfield Road Cemetery, which will guide management of the site between 2023 and 2028.

We invited comments from stakeholders and the local community on a draft version of the new GAP. This period of engagement will run until 26th November 2023. 

Polling districts and polling stations review - closed 30/10/2023 Toggle accordion

St Albans City and District Council consulted on the location and suitability of the polling stations where people will go to vote. In particular, it wanted to ensure the stations are accessible to all including people with a disability. 

Polling stations are rooms or areas within a polling place where voting is carried out and they should be within easy reach of all electors from across the polling district. 

Community groups and residents were asked to give their views as part of a review of polling stations in St Albans District. 

Cemeteries – Provision, Improvements and Engaging with the Community - closing 23/10/23 Toggle accordion

This consultation aimed to engage more with residents, gather feedback to improve services to meet customer needs and offer an opportunity to become a part of proposed projects.

Street Trading Fees Review 2023 - closed 05/10/2023 Toggle accordion

This was an opportunity to comment on the Street Trading Fees Review 2023.

Special Treatments Fees Review 2023 - closed 05/10/2023 Toggle accordion

This was an opportunity to comment on the Special Treatments Fees Review 2023.

Animal Welfare Licensing Fees Review 2023 - closed 05/10/2023 Toggle accordion

This was an opportunity to comment on changes to the Animal Licensing Fees Review 2023.

Licensing Act 2003 Policy 2023 - closed 05/10/2023 Toggle accordion

This was an opportunity to comment on changes to the draft Licensing Statement of Policy 2024-2029.

New Local Plan - closed 25/09/2023 Toggle accordion

The Council is developing a new Local Plan. The document is like a blueprint for future development so that inevitable change can be managed carefully and thoughtfully. The Plan can also help us tackle Climate Change and improve biodiversity. Alongide the full consultation we sought feedback on plan priorities via a quick survey.

Find out more 

Other consultation topics older than 1 year Toggle accordion

  • Alban Way Greenspace Action Plan
  • Animal Welfare Licensing Fees
  • Bentsley Spinney Greenspace Action Plan
  • Bernards Heath Green Space Action Plan
  • Bricket Wood Common Green Space Action Plan
  • Brownfield Land Register
  • BT payphone removal
  • Business Rates Revaluation 2017 Discretionary Support
  • Busking Code of Practice
  • Car Parking
  • Changing Places Toilet Fund
  • Charitable Collections Policy
  • Charter Markets
  • Clarence Park Management Plan
  • Colney Heath Neighbourhood Plan Area
  • Community Safety Partnership
  • Council response times
  • Council Tax Support Scheme
  • COVID-19 Recovery
  • Cunningham Field Open Space Project
  • Customer Commitment
  • Customer Services
  • Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan
  • Draft Housing Strategy
  • Electoral Boundary Review
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy
  • Gambling Policy
  • Garage site developments
  • Green Spaces management plan
  • Grow Community Sopwell
  • Gustard Wood Conservation Area character statement
  • Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy
  • Harpenden Leisure and Cultural Development
  • Harpenden Neighbourhood Plan
  • Hatfield Road Cemetery Management Plan
  • Housing Allocation Policy
  • Housing Tenancy Strategy
  • How Wood Greenspace Action Plan
  • Lea Valley Walk Greenspace Action Plan
  • Leisure facilities
  • Local Plan
  • Napsbury Conservation Area Character statement
  • Netherway Greenspace Action Plan
  • Nickey Line Green Space Action Plan
  • Night time economy
  • Nomansland Common Green Space Action Plan
  • Open Space
  • Parva Close Green Space Action Plan
  • Pavement Licensing Policy
  • Polling District and Polling Place Review
  • Portable youth shelter
  • Public Space Protection Order
  • Rail Timetable changes inquiry
  • Parking Strategy
  • Payphones
  • Planning Validation Lists
  • Polling districts and polling places
  • Potters Crouch Conservation Area Character Statement
  • Taxis
  • Revenues and Benefits Customer Satisfaction
  • River Ver and Verulamium Park Lakes Improvement Project
  • Rothamsted Park Green Space Action Plan
  • Sandridge Neighbourhood Plan Area
  • Shafford Mill Conservation Area Character Statement
  • Sopwell Nunnery Green Space Action Plan
  • St Albans Green Ring
  • Street Trading Policy
  • The Wick Green Space Action Plan
  • Verulamium Park
  • Website redesign
  • Westminster Lodge Changing Places
  • Yellow line parking restrictions