Emergency support
Here you will find information on tackling and reporting crime and anti-social behavior in St Albans District; help for people affected by abuse, hate crime and domestic violence; information about safeguarding for children and adults, details of how we approach emergency planning, and various help and advice including on flooding, debt, work problems and bereavement support.
Emergency support news
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All rough sleepers will have a bed available throughout winter
All rough sleepers in St Albans District will be offered a bed during the cold winter months.
Help on hand to ensure no one in Hertfordshire goes hungry or cold this festive season
News Release from Hertfordshire County Council
Working for a safer St Albans District
Residents, community groups and businesses are asked for their views on how crime prevention in the St Albans District can be improved.

Plan to tackle anti-social behaviour
A plan to tackle persistent anti-social behaviour in part of St Albans City Centre has been opened for public consultation.

Contract for community CCTV extended
The contract to provide closed-circuit television systems (CCTV) for public places in St Albans District, has been extended for two years.