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Cemeteries and funerals

We manage three cemeteries within St Albans district and maintain four closed churchyards. Working with funeral directors or directly with the bereaved we arrange burials and advise on funerals, cemeteries and graves 

We appreciate that the death of a family member or friend can be a traumatic and difficult experience.  Our aim is to provide a sensitive and supportive service at this difficult time.  

By keeping our cemeteries well-maintained and supporting owners to look after their graves, we make sure these provide an attractive, peaceful and safe space for remembering.

We are members of the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management (ICCM). Our cemeteries are managed to deliver a high-quality service in line with the institute's guiding principles for burials and cremations.


Hatfield Road Cemetery Green Flag Award 2024

Hatfield Road Cemetery, Green Flag Award 2024

Cemeteries and funerals news

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