Council and University join forces
The project has become a cornerstone of a partnership agreement between the University and St Albans City and District Council. Other partners include the St Albans Museums and Galleries Trust.
The Council plans to turn the Town Hall in the centre of the City into a new museum and gallery with late 2017 being the target opening date.
Pivotal decisions on Heritage Lottery Funding and on planning permission are expected in the next few months.
Details of the University’s role were revealed in an update on the partnership given to a meeting of the Council’s Cabinet on Thursday 24 September.
The University, through Chris McIntyre, Dean of Cultural Affairs, and his team have worked tirelessly over many years to support the creative life of St Albans.
They are currently involved in planning the public programme of the new museum and gallery as well as the content of the collections and the associated interpretation.
In another associated initiative, the partnership is now committed to developing a 25-year vision for culture, heritage and the arts in St Albans.
The Council and the University are working together to set out objectives and achieve them through the creation of an arts and culture network across the District.
This will include devising a Culture Map of the area, a resource that highlights cultural hot spots and publicises events.
Other aspects of the partnership include making further improvements to the University’s graduation days which are held in St Albans and attract around 15,000 students and guests.
Network St Albans – a multi-partner group working on public transport initiatives – and the Green Triangle are other key collaborative projects.
The Green Triangle, which is supported by the Council, includes the University, BRE and Rothamsted Research. It aims to increase awareness of Hertfordshire as a centre of excellence for green technology.
Councillor Julian Daly, Executive Leader and Portfolio Holder for Planning and Conservation for St Albans City and District Council, said: “The partnership we have with the University continues to grow and deepen.
“The new museum and gallery project is one of the biggest challenges the Council and the St Albans Museums and Galleries Trust faces. The involvement of the University greatly strengthens our hand.
“We are also looking forward to continuing our work with the University in other areas such as with the Green Triangle. Both organisations can only benefit from close links.”
For more information on the new museum and gallery project, see: http://www.stalbansmuseumsandgalleriestrust.org.uk/
For more information on the University of Hertfordshire, see: http://www.herts.ac.uk/
For more information on the Green Triangle, see: www.thegreentriangle.org
For more information on Network St Albans, see:, http://www.networkstalbans.co.uk/
Councillor contact:
Cllr Julian Daly, Executive Leader and Portfolio Holder for Planning and Conservation, St Albans City and District Council
Tel: 01582 715645 Email: Cllr.J.Daly@stalbans.gov.uk
Contacts for the media:
John McJannet, Principal Communications Officer, St Albans City District Council
Tel: 01727 296130
E-mail: john.mcjannet@stalbans.gov.uk