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Online services are in “good shape”

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Increased monitoring of St Albans City and District Council’s customer online services has shown that they are in good shape.

Cabinet has received a report showing that online services, including the planning portal and benefits and payments systems, performed well during October and November. 

Monitoring levels have recently been improved to ensure customer online services and internal systems, such as email, remain robust. 

This is part of a wider digital transformation programme that the Council is rolling out that includes new online services for residents, businesses and employees. 

The Council is investing in new digital technologies to ensure that it can continue to meet the needs of our residents and customers.

In the New Year, the Council plans to launch new ‘MyStAlbansDistrict’ accounts for residents giving access to a range of online services.

Cllr Alec Campbell, Portfolio Holder for Resources and Leader of St Albans City and District Council, said: “The world is changing and we need to ensure that the Council is harnessing digital technologies to allow people to interact with us online. 

“Increased monitoring of our existing online services, including the planning portal and payments system, has shown that they are good in shape. 

“We now plan to build on these online services to make it even easier for people to communicate and do business with us. 

“As part of this digital transformation programme, we have just launched an internal network for staff. In the New Year, we plan to launch online accounts for residents that can be customised to meet their individual needs. These are exciting times. Don’t miss out - keep an eye out for information on ‘MyStAlbansDistrict’ account.”

Councillor contact:
Cllr Alec Campbell, Portfolio Holder for Resources and Leader of St Albans City and District Council
Mob: 07793 550200

Contact for the media:
Amanda Wilkinson, 
Senior Communications Officer 
St Albans City and District Council
Tel: 01727 819317 